Monday, August 2, 2010

Will the surgery really happen?

This is going to be a super quick entry since we need to be leaving soon...BTW this is Angela using my mom's blogger account to keep everyone updated on Mom's status with her surgery. We will be checking into Tosh Othropedic Specialty hospital this morning at 9:45, so if you read this in a timely manner, please keep Mom in your prayers! She will be having surgery on her right foot. I will do my best to update as we go.
I flew in last night from Idaho (we had been camping up near Alturas Lake), and Mom and Dad picked me up at the airport around 7:15. Mom was feeling stressed because she couldn't find her purse and they said that when she checks in today she needs a picture ID. So when we got to their home, Mom and I set off on a mission to find either her purse or passport!
We looked for quite awhile but to no avail. We even called all of the siblings that had been in Mom's place recently to see if they had accidently taken the purse home with them. Nothing. We kept looking and eventually I found her passport out on a stand that she keeps her printer on. I felt like celebrating, so Dad and I had Creamies. But the stress had taken it's toll on Mom, and she just wanted to go to bed! Thanks to all those who prayed on Mom's behalf, we still have yet to find her purse, but a picture ID we have!
Please pray for Mom and the doctors. Until the next update...


Malita Bingham said...

You are in my prayers Aunt Ilene. I hope everything goes well.

Heidi said...

I'm glad you thought to do this Angela. It will be a good way to keep everyone posted. I'm so grateful you are there!