Wednesday, June 6, 2012

We're back! claim

(This is Kenya writing as if I were Grandma.)The Tomlinsons! Every thing is great. The Tomlinsons moved into our house on Thursday the 31st of May. Robert, I think is a little scared of they're dog Rio!LOL. The kids sleep upstairs in the room with the tv. Angela and Moe sleep in the room next to Trent's. The fist day they came, they nocked and I said to them "You don't have to nock, this is your home now". Today the 6th of June, Robert took the kids on a fourwheeler ride. They had louds of fun. Jeanie and Kayla came over for dinner. Jeanie brought her dogs (the same breed as Rio)Essmey and Juliet over to play with Rio. They and everyone had a great time.

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